Journal of Integrative Nutrition
Publishing Model: Delayed Open Access
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About The Journal of Integrative Nutrition
Research We Welcome
Journal of Integrative Nutrition
Aim and Scope
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition is a review of nutrition across various facets. Our primary goal is the publication of scholarly articles that investigate endocrine, autoimmune, and mental health diseases; or cerebral, neurochemical, or neurological impairments, and its metabolic implications in high-risk populations that have significant life challenges. Such challenges are eating disorders and poor lifestyle habits in those who face extreme stress and trauma. Medical and living conditions that are common among this population are autoimmune diseases, mental health illnesses, addiction, abuse, and homelessness. Our coverage extends to this population because they are under-represented in relation to nutrition practice in scientific literature.
Contribution Biomedicine
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition is of interest to community nutrition and dietetics practitioners and researchers, but also to community specialists in other disciplinary areas including faith-based counselors and pastors, sociologists and psychologists, mental health counselors, and other trauma specialists. These professionals often work with these population concomitantly with nutrition specialists. Therefore, considering all holistic avenues in our journals focus is imperative. The scopes of these professions is reflected in the credentials of the journal’s Editorial Board, its peer-reviewers, and its readership.
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition contributes to the field of biomedicine by bridging the gap between nutrition science and faith-based approaches to serve the health of high risk populations in our community. We aim to utilize the branch of medicine interested in the prevention of disease through the promotion and preservation of health. Our journal investigates the influence of nutrition processes (food, their actions, and interactions), while considering the contemporary or historical religious beliefs and practices on individual health for the
the overall impact on the body as a whole. This may include the study of the environment, psychological processes, and behaviors associated with food consumption, lifestyle choices, and how these factors play a role in metabolic, cerebral, and neurological nutritional statuses.
Publication Information
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition plans to index in:
Social Science Research Network
Ulrich’s Periodical Directory
Delayed Open Access Policy
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition operates under a delayed open-access model. All articles are freely available to read, download, and share 12 months after their publication date on an "indexed platform." Prior to this period, articles are accessible through subscription or individual article purchase. No article available to members may be publically shared.
Impact Factor
Due to being new, the Journal of Integrative Nutrition has not been considered for an impact factor yet.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)
A DOI is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a digital object. The Journal of Integrative Nutrition is an online journal with digital research publications. DOIs are utilized to provide a persistent link to the final content and ensure its accessibility overtime. All final manuscripts receive a DOI for reference from its sourcing repository.
The journal will be published 2 times per year (April and September), under the leadership of Jasmine B. Hollywood, editor in chief, founder and president of True Paleo Inc, and founder of the EatitUP Research League an online research institution.
Publication Focus
Our focus is to publish articles on Lifestyle Recovery in the scope of:
Food Nutrition
Human Nutrition
Community Nutrition
Social and Psychological Nutrition
Biblical Nutrition and Faith-Based Practices
Journal Goals
Explore the impact of spiritual well-being on metabolic health.
Investigate historical (paleolithic, natural, and biblical) dietary practices against modern-day habits.
Gain insights into the aspects of nutrient-dense foods on neurological and cerebral functions, immune system regulation, and stress mechanisms.
Provide a practical and comprehensive approach to creating educational curriculum high-risk populations and provide optimal integrative resources for socio-economic disparities across all scopes.
Research the role of faith-based practices in maintaining healthy eating habits and peer-led exhortation in sustaining lifestyle recovery.
Present the “current day issues” such as nutritional debates, assessments of therapies, and clinical protocols for autoimmune diseases, mental health illnesses, addiction, abuse, and homelessness and its relation to trauma.
Research We Welcome and the Review Process
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition welcomes all research reviewing of nutrition for trauma. We encourage cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multi-disciplinary studies and submissions from disciplines with which nutrition for trauma interacts. Research is published from a wide array of integrative theories and reflecting the journal’s ecumenical stance.
Research We Welcome
Recent Developments
Policy Discussions
Historical Perspectives
Viewpoints or Opinion Pieces
Debates or Perspectives on Current Issues
Review Articles
Original Narrative or Literature Reviews
Systematic Review
Clinical Protocols
Case Reports
Therapeutic Assessments/Treatment Strategies
Intervention Designs and Proposals
Educational Resources
Educational Materials for Resource Development
Multimodal Curriculum Proposals
Peer Review Process and Policy
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition follows the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) peer-review process model. Pre-publication, all research articles undergo rigorous single-anonymous peer review. Editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors. Review is facilitated by authors, however, reviews are owned by the journal.
Reviewers are asked to evaluate a series of questions about the manuscript that align with the scientific methodological rigor from MEDLINES scientific and editorial quality assessment.
All submissions are subject to peer review. Two or more peers will judge the originality, aim, scope, scientific validity, and significance of the work submitted to ensure it is coherently sound. After the manuscript has been reviewed, the author will be informed whether it has been accepted for publication, requires revision, has been declined, or should be submitted elsewhere. The study may be rejected at any time if the:
revisions are not up to Gold Standard
article does not fit the scope
article does not follow the rules of writing scientific papers
article does not follow the author's guidelines
article has several fundamental methodological errors
author refuses to make suggestions for improvements provided by the reviewer without a logical basis
article has indications of plagiarism of more than 20%
Editorial Review Process
Editors are expected to focus on aspects related to the overall structure, clarity, and language of the manuscript. Editors are asked to:
Correct or copyedit manuscripts language.
Determine study design, robustness, and appropriateness to the stated aim.
Determine if significant errors exceed revision requirements.
Ensure contents are reported in a manner consistent with ethical guidelines.
Ensure contents are edited to AMA reporting guidelines for the article or study type.
Ensure geographical diversity among authors.
Ensure readability of articles.
Ethics Policy on Competing Interests and Bias
To ensure transparency and integrity in the publication process by managing potential conflicts of interest and preventing bias.
Disclosure Requirements
Authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest related to the research presented in their manuscript. This includes financial support, personal relationships, or other affiliations that could be perceived as influencing their work.
Editors and Reviewers:
Editors and reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that might affect their ability to review or make decisions impartially. They should recuse themselves from handling manuscripts where a conflict of interest exists, such as being the author.
Publication Ethics
The publication of the Journal of Integrative Nutrition involves a comprehensive processes by which the journal requires efficiency and competency in authoring research publications. To maintain high ethical standards of quality publications, the publisher strives to closely monitor journal editors, authors, and peer-reviewers at all times by aiming to reduce misconduct in data manipulation, bias, and errors of reproducing previously published works. Research misconduct is defined as the manipulation, fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism of research content. The produced works of research by authors, or the falsification in reporting research results will result in blacklisting. Our editorial board maintain ethical guidelines of the COPE and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to assist in the case of suspected research misconduct, appeals, correction, retraction, or expression of concern.
Review Policy of Articles Authored by Editors
Our editorial policy on conflict of interest disclosure adheres to the principles of transparency and integrity in scholarly publishing. While authors of editorials are encouraged to disclose any potential conflicts of interest voluntarily, it is not mandatory, recognizing that editorials primarily express opinions or viewpoints. However, the editorial board are advised to declare any interests that might be perceived to influence their editorial activities when authoring review articles. In addition, they may not handle manuscripts in cases where there is a conflict of interest or financial interest. This may include, but is not limited to, being both an author and editor or sharing the same institution as one or more of the authors. Anyone on the editorial board who are authors on a paper published by the Journal of Integrative Nutrition are advised to declare their association in a competing and conflicts of interests statement.
Procedures for Disclosure Submission
Authors, editors, and reviewers are required to declare any conflicts of interest at the time of manuscript submission or review.
Management of Conflicts
Review Process: The journal will review disclosed conflicts to determine if they necessitate any action, such as recusal from reviewing or editorial decisions.
Transparency: Disclosures of conflicts of interest will be published alongside the manuscript or in the acknowledgments section as appropriate.
Handling Non-Disclosure: If a conflict of interest is discovered after publication that was not disclosed, the journal will investigate and take appropriate actions, which may include issuing a correction or retraction
This policy promotes ethical publishing practices in line with the guidelines provided by COPE and ICMJE.
Journal Editorial Board
Our Editors are doctors of nutrition, licensed to practice medical nutrition therapy in the US, scholarly professors at US universities that specialize in alternative medicine and research, and are spread across the US for proper geographical distribution.
Jasmine B Hollywood, DCN, LDN, CNS, CRPS, ORDM
From: Florida, US
Everglades University | Public Health Sciences, Alternative Medicine, and Evidence-Based Research
Associate Editors
Dr. Patricia Kaufman, PhD, MS, LDN, CNS, MBA
From: California US
American College of Health Science | Global Nutrition Politics and Food Insecurity
Sonoran University | Evidence-Based Nutritional Research
Natural University of Natural Medicine | Sports Nutrition
Dr. Moon Twayana, PhD, B-Tech, AMWA, RAPS
From: Nepal
Eastern Herbal and Food Nutrition
Dr. Miriam Whitfield, DCN, CPT
From: Texas, US
University of Western States | Nutritional Epidemiology, Nutrigenomics, and Functional Medicine
Karen Davis, MS, LN, CNS
From: North Carolina, US
Brevard College | Nutrition
Information for Authors
Call for Papers
The edition of The Journal of Integrative Nutrition invites authors to submit original papers, and have not been published or submitted elsewhere for consideration. Authors may not submit elsewhere while the manuscript is under consideration at the Journal of Integrative Nutrition.
Author Guidelines
Papers may only be accepted for consideration which present the explicit scope and aim on the integration of nutrition, body-mind-spirit, biblical, or alternative therapies in supporting high-risk populations in lifestyle recovery from extreme stress or trauma. All other articles will be rejected. Articles that discuss supplements as a substitute for natural healing remedies will not be accepted. The Journal of Integrative Nutrition is particularly interested in articles that focus on the use of nutrition in the form of food, botanicals, faith-based practices, exercise, mindful practices, and lifestyle for individuals who face significant life challenges. All papers are subject to peer review.
Word Count and References
Letter to the Editor should contain no more than 1,000 words.
Original Review manuscripts should contain between 2500 and 6500 words.
Systematic Reviews should contain no more than 8500 words.
Case reports should contain no more than 2500 words.
Original Reviews should contain no more than 30 references and case reports 15 references.
Editing Style
All accepted manuscripts are subject to editing to conform to the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition. Manuscripts will also be reviewed according to the Journal of Integrative Nutrition standards. If significant editing is required authors may be asked to pay a small nominal fee or purchase professional editing elsewhere. Authors will be asked to review articles after editing and prior to publication.
Publishable Topics
The Journal of Integrative Nutrition publishes research on endocrine, autoimmune, and mental health diseases; or cerebral, neurochemical, or neurological impairments. Publishable subjects include, but are not limited to:
Addiction medicine
Ancestral nutrition
Biblical nutrition
Biofield therapy
Body-mind-spirit therapies
Botanical medicine
Dance therapies
Energy healing
Exercise and/or physical activity (non-sports related)
Faith-based therapies
Food Insecurity
Health disparities
Health promotion
Herbal therapies
Holistic therapies
Indigenous practices
Lifestyle recovery
Paleolithic nutrition
Peer recovery
Prayer therapy
Relaxation therapies
Spiritual healing
Stress reduction
Trauma therapies (holistic in nature)
Author Agreements
All author must sign a conflict of interest, copyright transfer consent, or submit a statement stating they've obtained informed consent for patients, and where such documentation may be found.
Copyright Release
Authors will be asked to transfer copyright to Discover Your Greatest Self (the publisher of JIN) when their manuscript is accepted for publication. Accepted manuscripts become the property of Discover Your Greatest Self and will not be published or be made available online without its written consent.
Conflict of Interest
An author, the author's institution, reviewer, or editor may have a financial or personal conflict of interest if the relationship inappropriately influences bias or their actions, or that the relationship affects their scientific judgment. When writing for The Journal of Integrative Nutrition, the author should be willing to report the following conflicts of interest:
Dual Commitments
Competing Interests
Competing Loyalties
Financial Interests (employment, consultancies, commercial interests, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, or any financial ties to the subject matter in which he/she is writing)
Listing Contributing Authors
100% contributions, to include the conception of the work, such as the drafting or editing of the entire manuscript and revisions are required to be considered a contributing author. Substantial contributions, at least 33% of the work, such as the design of tables, figures, drawings, the acquisition of research, analysis, extraction, screening, or interpretation of data are also considered works of a contributing author. The final approval of the version to be published by be authorized by all contributors. Anyone acknowledged, must give permission for you to use their name in the acknowledgements section.
Agreement for Accountability
The agreement statement to be held accountable for all aspects of the work is required. This ensures that questions related to the accuracy, integrity, or publication ethics of any part of the work are appropriately accounted for if investigated.
Studies Involving Human Participants
Research involving human participants must identify the IRB committee that approved the research. All research performed must be in accordance with relevant guidelines, federal regulations, and include a statement at the end of the manuscript confirming that informed consent was obtained from all participants and/or their legal guardians for those under the age of 18 year old. Written informed consent must be obtained for the publication of any other information that could lead to identification of a participant (e.g. images and videos) along with a statement confirming that informed consent to publish identifying information/images was granted. This must be included in the methods section. Human participants' names and other HIPAA identifiers must be removed from all sections of the manuscript, supplementary tables and figures, and appendices. A statement. Please note that the use of coloured blocks, bars, or shapes to obscure the eyes or facial region of study participants is not an acceptable means of anonymisation.
Animal Studies
Indicate whether the federal guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals was followed in your methods section.
Submission Checklist for Authors
All manuscripts should be submitted via email.
Cover Letter
Author Bio's: All submission require and author bio with author full name, ORCHiD #, current degrees and credentials and what they mean, speciality of interest.
Cover Page: Must be submitted in a PDF document with the title of the study, authors names, affiliation of any universities, research institutions, or government agencies with addresses in which the work was performed, 5-10 key words, funding information, number or name of grant or information about other financial support used for the study, all conflicts of interest, acknowledgments, and word/reference count.
Abstract Page: Must have a structured abstract with no more than 300 words.
Manuscript: Original manuscript should be submitted via Word document with line numbers, double spaced, 12 pt font, first title Bold, sub-title Bold and italicized, subsequent titles italicized, etc...
Tables and Figures:Tables and figures must be in a separate Word file and cannot be image files. Images within the Word file of Figures must 300-600 DPI.
Reference Page: Must be a separate Word document and follow reference standards.
Submit an Article
Article Processing Charges
This journal charges the following fees:
Article Submission: USD $0.00
Article Editing (less than 2,500 word count): USD $52.00
Article Editing (more than 2,500 word count): USD $70.00
Article Plagiarism Check: USD $134.00
Article Publication Fee: USD $89.00 per author
If this article is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay the Article editing, plagiarism, and publication fees.
Send questions to: submissions@truepaleoinc.org
Subject Line: Attention Submissions