What is Autoimmune Thyroid Disease?
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, also referred to as AITD, is ultimately an imbalance of the immune system attacking thyroid cells, which causes an effect of how fast or how slow the body will metabolize energy. It results in an uncontrolled change in caloric balance, upsetting metabolic processes. Consequently, an imbalance of metabolism affects energy utilization.
In the nutrition world, we call this:
Hypermetabolism; an increase in energy needs
Hypometabolism; a decrease in energy needs
In the medical world, physicians will diagnose an autoimmune thyroid disease as:
Graves' Disease; hyperthyroidism
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis; hypothyroidism
Both conditions result in severe inflammation of the thyroid, and each is affected by different antibody attacks.
Did You Know?
The most prescribed medication in the USA is thyroid medication.
One in ten women get thyroid disease.
Patients are 2x more likely to get autoimmune thyroid disease than subclinical thyroid disease.
Her Thyroid Timeline